BR-6641 User Manual
2.4 Date&Time
Traffic Statistics
Diagnostic Tools
Date & Time
Network Service Log
Figure 3.4 The Location of “System/Date/Time” on the Menu Bar

2.4.1 Date&Time Setting

In this page, you can set up time related configurations.
For time zone information, You should pick the region first and then the city you are
located in (or a city of the same time zone as you). For example, if you are located
in Hawaii, select ”US” in the left list and then choose “Hawaii” in the right list.
BR-6641 can use the NTP protocol to get time from the Internet. You can select a
time server from the list or add your preferred time server to the list. With NTP,
BR-6641 automatically adjusts its time when necessary. On the other hand, you
can push the Synchronize Time button to adjust time immediately.