4To adjust device volume levels, click Mixer. The Volume Mixer dialog box opens, where you can click and drag sliders for individual devices.
Adjust the Windows Sounds slider to change system sounds volume independently of general volume (such as the volume used for music and game sounds).
5Click X in the
For more information about adjusting the volume, click Start, then click Help and Support. Type adjusting volume in the Search Help box, then press ENTER.
Configuring the audio jacks
If the back of your computer has five audio jacks, they are universal jacks. This means that they can be used for more than one purpose. For example, the blue jack on the computer can be a stereo in jack or a stereo out jack. To use the audio jacks for something other than the default audio device, you need to configure the audio jacks.
To configure the audio jacks:
Start Ö Control Panel Ö Hardware and Sound Ö Advanced
1Connect your audio device(s) to the computer audio jack(s).