Wo r k i n g Wi t h G r o u p s a n d S e t t i n g s
Working With Groups and Settings
The configuration of a Domain Manager applies parameters to defined sets of managed elements.
•A group is composed of settings and members.
•A setting is composed of one or more related parameters.
•A member is an element of the managed topology that belongs to a group.
Using the Polling and Thresholds Console, you can perform the following configuration tasks:
•Modify the properties of existing groups.
•Determine what settings are applied to a group.
•Modify the parameters of a setting.
•Create new groups.
Opening the Polling and Thresholds Console
The Polling and Thresholds Console is used to display groups and modify their properties. To access the Polling and Threshold Console, you must first open the Domain Manager Administration Console.
Attaching to a Domain Manager with the Domain Manager Administration Console requires an EMC Smarts user account with the following privileges and permissions:
•All privileges, specified in the serverConnect.conf file (or its equivalent) read by the Domain Manager.
•Permission to use the console operation Configure Domain Manager Admin Console. Through the Global Manager Administration Console, this permission is specified in the Console Operations section of the user profile.
For information about configuring access privileges, see the EMC Smarts System Administration Guide. For information about configuring permissions to perform specific console operations, see the EMC Smarts Service Assurance Manager Configuration Guide.
EMC Smarts Application Connectivity Monitor Configuration Guide | 35 |