Groups and Settings
•Value is any combination of text, integers, and wildcards that is matched against the value of the attribute in the managed element. The Value field for a matching criterion is not
If the value of a managed element’s attribute matches a matching criterion, the managed element is eligible to become a member of the group. When more than one matching criterion is specified, a managed element must match all criteria to become a member of the group.
A d d i n g o r R e m o v i n g M a t c h i n g C r i t e r i a
1Select a matching criterion.
2Click Enable to make the criterion active, moving it to the top of the Matching Criteria tab.
Use Disable to deactivate the criterion, moving it to the bottom of the Matching Criteria tab.
3If you are adding a matching criterion, type a matching pattern in the Value field.
4Click Apply.
5Select Reconfigure from the Group menu.
C h a n g i n g t h e V a l u e o f a M a t c h i n g C r i t e r i o n
1Select the string in the Value field or
2Type the text, integers, or wildcard to match against the attribute.
3Click Apply.
4Select Reconfigure from the Group menu.
A Domain Manager processes matching criteria in the following manner. First, managed elements are compared against the matching criteria of the group with the highest priority. If an element matches all the criteria, it is added as a member of the group. If an element does not match all the criteria, it is compared against the matching criteria of the group with the second highest priority, and so on.
Method for Modifying the Parameters of a Setting
The parameters of a setting are changed in one of two ways: by (1) choosing a value from a
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