A p p l i c a t i o n C o n n e c t i v i t y M o n i t o r I n s t a l l a t i o n D i r e c t o r y
Table 2: Documentation Conventions (continued)
/InCharge | Indicates directory path names in italics |
yourDomain | Indicates a |
File > Open | Indicates a menu path in italics |
▼▲ | Indicates a command is wrapped over one or more lines. The |
| command must be typed as one line. |
Directory path names are shown with forward slashes (/). Users of the Windows operating systems should substitute back slashes (\) for forward slashes.
Also, if there are figures illustrating consoles in this document, they represent the consoles as they appear in Windows. Under UNIX, the consoles appear with slight differences. For example, in views that display items in a tree hierarchy such as the Topology Browser, a plus sign displays for Windows and an open circle displays for UNIX.
Finally, unless otherwise specified, the term InCharge Manager is used to refer to EMC Smarts programs such as Domain Managers, Global Managers, and adapters.
Application Connectivity Monitor Installation Directory
In this document, the term BASEDIR represents the location where the
Application Connectivity Monitor software is installed.
•For UNIX, this location is: /opt/InCharge<n>/<product>.
•For Windows, this location is: C:\InCharge<n>\<product>.
The <n> represents the software platform version number. The <product> represents the product name. For example, on UNIX operating systems, Application Connectivity Monitor is, by default, installed to: /opt/InCharge6/ACM/smarts. On Windows operating systems, this product is, by default, installed to: C:\InCharge6\ACM\smarts. This location is referred to as BASEDIR/smarts.
EMC Smarts Application Connectivity Monitor Configuration Guide | ix |