A p p l i c a t i o n S i g n a t u r e C o n f i g u r a t i o n I n t e r f a c e
Discover the Software Infrastructure
Perform an initial discovery of network topology with Availability Manager and import the topology and connectivity analysis into Application Connectivity Monitor.
Then, use Application Connectivity Monitor to discover the software infrastructure.
•The application signatures automate the process of discovering the topology and the relationships between the elements.
Automated Root- Cause and Impact Analysis
Application Connectivity Monitor automatically monitors all discovered TCP applications, and automatically isolates the root cause of application outages, differentiating between network connectivity failures and application failures.
In the case of network connectivity failures, Application Connectivity Monitor works with Availability Manager and Service Assurance Manager to isolate the specific network component that failed, providing
With Business Impact Manager, users can also calculate the impact of these infrastructure failures on business processes, services and customers.
Application Signature Configuration Interface
For Application Connectivity Monitor, the Domain Manager Administration Console, which is accessed from the Global Console, includes an Application Signature tab. The tab enables administrators and integrators to access the Application Signature Configuration Interface through which they can select, configure, and enable predefined application signatures. Once selected, configured, and enabled, Application Connectivity Monitor uses the signatures to discover and monitor managed applications.
EMC Smarts Application Connectivity Monitor Configuration Guide | 3 |