Backplane Connections and Installation Rules
Example 2 (Figure 3-1, B)
Shows the chassis fully populated with third generation modules (6x3xx). These modules can also be installed in any available chassis slot in the Matrix E7 chassis, but operate as individual modules with separate IP addresses. Each module is configured using Local Management.
Rule: The 6x3xx modules can be installed in any available chassis slot in the Matrix E7 chassis.
Example 3 (Figure 3-1, C)
Shows chassis slots 1 through 5 populated with first and second generation modules (6x1xx and 6x2xx). If a 6x1xx or 6x2xx series module is installed in slot 6 or 7, it will operate in standalone mode (no backplane connectivity). Like the 6x3xx modules, the 6x1xx and 6x2xx modules operate as individual modules with separate IP addresses, and each one is configured using Local Management.
Rule: The 6x1xx and 6x2xx modules can communicate with each other when they are installed in chassis slots 1 through 5 in the Matrix E7 chassis. If installed in slot 6 or 7, they operate in standalone mode.
Example 4 (Figure 3-1, D)
Shows chassis slots 1 through 5 populated with a mix of 6x1xx, 6x2xx, and 6x3xx modules and only third generation modules in slots 6 and 7.
In this module arrangement, the 6x3xx module provides a proxy bridge, which enables the 6x1xx and 6x2xx modules to communicate with 6x3xx modules in slot 6 or 7. If more than one 6x3xx module is installed in slots 1 to 5, the module in the lowest numbered slot performs the proxy function for slots 6 and 7. Therefore, if a 6x3xx module is already performing the proxy function, and another 6x3xx module is inserted into a lower numbered slot, connectivity will be temporarily interrupted, as the new board takes over the proxy function. When a 6x3xx module in a lower numbered slot is removed, and there is a 6x3xx module in a higher numbered slot, communication is not interrupted.
For Local Management, plugging the Local Management connection into the 6x3xx modules will allow management connections to all 6x1xx, 6x2xx, and 6x3xx modules. If the Local Management connection is to a 6x1xx or 6x2xx board, only the modules in the first five slots will be recognized by the management client.
Rule: There must be at least one 6x3xx module in slots 1 through 5 to enable communications between the 6x1xx, 6x2xx, and 6x3xx modules.