You must use at least a 10× eye loupe to check the pattern.
8.Examine the first row (marked #1 C). You see a series of patterns similar to the one below across the width of the paper. Use your own eye loupe or the one that came with the printer to determine which line is the best.
(Each line is composed of two overlapping colors. Look for the line in which the colors overlap the most evenly. In the example below, number 8 is the best line.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
6 7 8 9 10
Number 8 is the best line
Ideally, number 8 (±1) should be the best line in all of the printed patterns. If it is, you can press Pause to exit the adjustment early.
9.Look at the other patterns in the first row to see if the same number is consistently the best line. If not, determine which number is generally the best.
10.Check the control panel display. It shows #1 C=8, which means that number 8 is the current setting for row #1 C. If you need to change the setting, use the + or – button to select the best line for that row. Then press the Enter button to register the setting.
11.Repeat step 8 through step 10 for each additional row.
12.When done, press the Pause button to exit the head alignment.
13.If you had to make changes to any of the settings, you should reprint the alignment pattern to verify that number 8 shows the best line in all rows. You may have to repeat the adjustment more than once to ensure that number 8 is the best choice in each case.