Selecting the Display Language
The display messages for this printer can be displayed in two different languages: English (Default) and Italian.
To select the language that you prefer, proceed as follows:
1.Enter the Power on Configuration procedure.
•Make sure that the printer is turned off.
•Keep the PROGRAM key pressed while you turn on the printer. After the initialization phase the following message will be displayed:
2.Press the → key to select the function.
3.Press the ↓ key until the language first level function is displayed:
4.Press the → key to select the function. The following message will be displayed:
The symbol ‘ * ’ means that the shown parameter is the selected one, in this case it is the default value.
5.Press the → key to select it.
6.Press the PROGRAM key to exit the Power on Configuration procedure. From now the display message will appear in the selected language.