Parking Fanfold Paper

Whenever you wish to park the fanfold paper, follow the sequence:

1.Make sure that the printer is disabled to print (Wait message is displayed and the READY indicator is unlit) and tear the fanfold paper that is currently loaded along the last perforation.

4051/4056 plus Models

4051N/4056N plus Models

2.Press the SHIFT key and then the PARK key to enable the PARK function. The message Parking paper will be displayed, the fanfold paper will move backwards up to its parking position. The fanfold paper is still inserted into the tractors and ready to be fed as necessary.

When the fanfold paper to park is too long, two messages will be alternatively displayed:

1.Tear-off paper

2.Remove paper

Tear the printed paper and press again the PARK key.

When you need to load again the fanfold paper, make sure that the drive selection lever is in fanfold position and that the paper type (PATH function) selection is Fanfold.