Trap IP Address 1: Lets you register an SNMP trap notification destination.

Trap IP Address 2: Lets you register a second SNMP trap notification destination to be used if the projector cannot access the IP address registered in Trap IP Address 1.

Community Name: Lets you assign a community name for SNMP. You can register up to eight numbers and letters.


Mail Notification: Turn this setting on to have the projector send you an e-mail when it detects a problem.

SMTP Server: Lets you define your SMTP server address information to the projector.

Port Number: Lets you define your SMTP server’s port number to the projector.

Address 1 Setting: Lets you register an e-mail address where you can be notified when the projector detects a problem.

Address 2 Setting: Lets you register a second notification e-mail address.Address 3 Setting: Lets you register a third notification e-mail address.

Projector Name

Lets you assign a unique name to the projector to identify it on the network.3.When you are finished, press the Esc or Menu button.
62Configuring the Projector