c. | Select Shortcut Icon: | To use the shortcut icon, select the |
| Shortcut Icon check box, then |
| choose an icon. The icon you select |
| appears on the right side of the task |
| bar. |
| Once the shortcut icon is in the task |
| bar, you can |
| the EPSON Status Monitor 3 dialog |
| box. Alternatively, you can |
| |
| select Monitoring Preferences |
| from the menu to open the |
| Monitoring Preferences dialog box, |
| and your printer from the menu to |
| open the EPSON Status Monitor 3 |
| dialog box. |
d. | Job management: | To display the Job Information |
| menu in the EPSON Status Monitor |
| 3 window, select the Show job |
| information check box. |
| Note: |
| This menu is enabled only under the |
| conditions given in “Connections |
| |
| |
| To display the notification message |
| when your print job is finished, |
| select the Notify when printing |
| completed check box. |
e.Allow monitoring of When this check box is selected, a
| shared printers check | shared printer can be monitored by |
| box: | other PCs. |
f. | OK button: | Saves new changes. |
g. | Cancel button: | Cancels any changes. |
78Using the Printer Software with Windows