All the text is printed on the same line.


What to do

No line feed command is sent

Make sure that auto line feed is set to

at the end of each line of text.

ON using DIP switch 3-3 so that the


printer automatically adds a line-feed


code to each carriage return. See


“Using DIP Switchs” in Chapter 4.

The text is printed with extra blank lines between lines of text.


What to do

Two line feed commands are

Make sure that auto line feed is set to

being sent at the end of each

OFF using DIP switch 3-3.

line of text.




The line-space setting in your

Adjust the line-space setting with your

application software is wrong.

application software.

Page length does not match the length of paper being used.


What to do

The page size setting in your

Check the paper size setting in your

application or the printer

application or printer driver.

driver may not match the size


of paper you are using.




Page length for tractor may

Change DIP switch 2 to select the

be set incorrectly using the

correct page length for the tractor. See

DIP switches.

“Using DIP Switches” in Chapter 4.



Troubleshooting 8-17