
Your new Epson® computer is a fast, high-performance system offering flexibility and expandability in a compact design. It provides the following features:

cl 486SX/25, 486DX/33, or 486DX2/50 microprocessor

cl 4MB of internal memory, expandable to 32MB

cl System and video BIOS shadow RAM

cl 8KB of internal processor cache

cl 512KB or 1MB of on-board video memory (512KB systems are expandable to 1MB)

CI Math coprocessor built into the 486DX/33 and 486DX2/50 microprocessor chips

cl Built-in VGA port

0Two built-in serial ports and one built-in parallel port

Ll Built-in IBM® PS/2™ compatible keyboard and mouse ports

cl Four 16-bit (or 8-bit) ISA option slots

Cl Support for up to three internal mass storage devices

CI Password security.

The shadow RAM feature allows your system to speed up processing by moving the system and video BIOS into the RAM area of memory.

Introduction 1