(1)The area an operating system defines on a hard disk so you can use that area as though it were a physically separate device;
(2)to divide a hard disk into separate logical areas. You can
create a primary partition and one or more extended partitions on a hard disk.
PasswordThe unique sequence of characters you type after you turn on or reset the computer (or before running SETUP) in order to access and use your SETUP program or your system.
PathnameThe directory name(s) you specify to locate a file. For example, the pathname for the file SALES, stored in the subdirectory BUSINESS, is \BUSINESS\SALES.
Peripheral deviceAn external device (such as a printer or a modem) connected to a computer that depends on the computer for its operation.
PorfA physical input/output socket on a computer to which you can connect a peripheral device.
Tests stored in a computer’s ROM that the computer runs to check its internal circuitry, peripheral device configuration, and operating status each time you turn it on or reset it.
Glossary 17