Parallel Menu

These settings control communication between the printer and the computer when using a parallel interface. Also see page 5-22.

Speed, Bi-D, Buffer SizeSerial Menu

These settings control the serial interface settings. These settings are necessary for correct communication between the printer and the computer. Also see page 5-22.

Word Length, Baud Rate, Parity, Stop Bit, DTR, DSR, XOn/XOff, Buffer SizeAUX* MenuThis setting controls the optional interface settings. Also see page 5-24.

AUX Config**, Get IP Address**, IP Byte**, IP Byte2**, IP Byte3**, IP Byte4**, SM Byte1**, SM Byte2**, SM Byte3**, SM Byte4**, GW Byte1**, GW Byte2**, GW Byte3**, GW Byte4**, NetWare**, AppleTalk**, NetBEUI**, AUX Init**, Buffer Size

*Available only when the Type B interface is installed.

**Available only when the Ethernet Interface Card (C82357, C82362, or C82363) is installed.

LJ4 MenuThese settings control the fonts and symbol sets when in the LJ4 mode. See page 5-26.

FontSource, Font Number, Pitch, Height, SymSet, Form, Source SymSet, Dest SymSet, CR Function, LF Function.


SelecType 5-11