5 = Sweden
6 = Italy
7 = Spain
8 = Japan
and print the contents of the buffer, press RETURN alone. Now add this line:10 LPRINT CHR$(27)"i1"And RUN the program. Your FX-80 responds to your typing-imme- diately.

When you are finished, press RETURN alone, then use the zero version of the command to return to full speed.


You can use the Backspace Mode to overstrike one or more charac- ters. In this manner, you can combine two or more characters to form completely new ones. Another way you can use backspacing is to sandwich it between two printings, each in a different print mode, to create characters with offsets.

You can select any one of the nine international character sets by using the control code sequence given below; or you can designate any one of eight of the sets as the default set by changing a DIP switch.

You can cause any FX to print in Half Speed, and you can cause the FX-80 to react as though it were a typewriter by using the Immediate Print Mode. Here are the DIP switches we mentioned in this chapter:

Switches 1-61-71-8

Any change to these switches causes a change of the default international character set.

Here are this chapter’s commands:CHR$(8)Causes a backspaceCHR$(27)“R”CHR$(n) Selects an international character set, where n = 0-8:0 = USA1 = France2 = Germany3 = United Kindgom4 = Denmark