80 LPRINT CHR$(27)"@": END

90 DATA 8,28,62,93,-6,28,93,62,28,8100 READ R: FOR J=1 TO -N110 LPRINT CHR$(R);: NEXT J120 X=X-N-1: GOT0 70

RUN it again. Same arrow pattern, right? And with less data. The number of repetitions (6) is entered into the DATA line as a negative number that is followed by the pattern (28) to be repeated. Yet even with this short cut, graphics designs do require that you plan and enter lots of data. In the next few chapters, we’ll show you more ways to take advantage of design patterns to reduce the amount of data needed.


We began this chapter by adding up pin labels and using the total to fire four graphics pins at one time. We changed that program to show that the Reset Code does not affect either graphics commands or data. And we commented on problems that may arise from software interfacing when you try to send codes that represent added-up pin labels.

After this general discussion, we introduced two new graphics densities that have specific commands. You can print Double-Density at one of two speeds: 160 cps (High) and 80 cps (Low). The second of these modes, Quadruple Density, prints only at Low.

We then introduced a new single command with which you can access any one of the seven FX graphics modes; Table 11-1 summarizes them.

Here are the commands that we introduced in this chapter:


Enters Variable-Density Graphics Mode and specifies a mode and the width setting, where

mis mode 0 - 6. Width = n1+(256*n 2), where n1 is 0 - 255 and n2 is 0 - 7CHRS(27)“Y“CHR$(n1)CHR$(n2)

Enters High-Speed Double-Density Graphics Mode and specifies the width setting. Width

=n1 + (256*n1), where n1 is 0 - 255 and n2 is 0 - 7