The text prints in Compressed Mode, but the left margin is still set at 10 Pica spaces.

Right margin

The general format for the right margin is:


For the FX-80,n can range from 2 to 80 in Pica, 3 to 96 in Elite, and 4 to

137in Compressed Mode. For the FX-100,n can range from 2 to 136 in Pica, 3 to 163 in Elite, and 4 to 233 in Compressed. The lower limits may seem strange when compared with the OS allowed for left margin limits. We’ll investigate the limits on the right margin shortly, but first let’s try out the command.

The margins can be set either from a BASIC program or from the BASIC command level (without line numbers). The following line sets the right margin to 5 in Pica. Type:

LPRINT CHR$(18)CHR$(27)'Q'CHR$(5)



Now RUN your program.

Figure 9-4. Right margin set incorrectly