
You enter Graphics Mode with the CHR$(27)“K” C HR $ (n 1)CHR$(n 2) command. You determine the number of graphics columns by filling the two reservation slots, n1, and n2. You fire your pin patterns by adding up the pin labels, which consist of powers of two.

Here is the command we introduced in this chapter:

CHR$(27)“K”CHRS(n 1,)CHR$(n2);

Enters Single-Density Graphics Mode and specifies width setting. Width = n1+256*n 2 where n1 is 0 - 255 and n2 is 0 - 7 on the FX-80 and 0 - 12 on the FX-100

Note: Single-Density graphics dots are printed 60 per inch horizontally and 72 per inch vertically.