Since this program uses many of the routines from the BAR- CHART program above, begin by loading that program. Many of its lines need no changes, including:

110, 120, 150 and 799-1010Delete lines 10 to 90. Make small changes to four lines:

100 DIM A(18): LPRINT CHR$(27)"3"CHR$(20)CHR$(27)"U1";

130 LPRINT CHR$(27)"&"CHR$(0) "at";140 FOR Y=1 TO 20: LPRINT CHR$(139);160 NEXT Y: LPRINT CHR$(27)"C"CHR$(66);: GOSUB 700

Lines 130 and 140 specify the number (20) and locations (ASCII a - t) of user-defined characters. Line 160 sets the form length to 66 lines and top of form to the current position of the print head, and sends the program to line 700, where the logo subroutine begins.

You can check your changes against the complete listing of STATEMENT that appears as Figure 17-4.That listing also gives you the lines that are new; such lines fall into two long sections:

170 to 7701099 to 1370

Enter them one at a time, replacing the corresponding lines from the BARCHART program.

If your computer system requires a WIDTH statement to prevent the printer from issuing a carriage return before the graphics line is complete, add it now:


The format for this statement may be different for your BASIC; see your software documentation.

If you are using an FX-100,add this line to set the right margin:90 LPRINT CHR$(27)"QP";