Figure 6-1. Bidirectional line

Look carefully at your printout or at the version we show as Figure 6-1.See how the line seems to quiver? Now turn on Unidirectional printing to see how much difference it makes. Add line 10 and RUN the program again:

10 LPRINT CHR$(27)"U1"

Figure 6-2. Unidirectional line

CHR$(27) “U1" turns on the Unidirectional printing whose results we show as Figure 6-2,and CHR$(27)“U0” turns it off.

Did you watch the print head as it printed? In every row it moved from left to right instead of alternating directions as usual.

You can get the same effect for one line at a time by using the command CHR$(27)"<”. This command causes a carriage return with no