Table 2-2. Several computers’ printer




Activating commands


10 LPRINT CHR$(193)

Epson QX-10, IBM-PC, and Radio



Shack TRS-80

5 OPEN "0",#1, "COMØ"

Epson HX-20 Notebook Computer

10 PRINT#1, CHR$(193)



99 CLOSE#1



5 PR#1

Apple II

10 PRINT CHR$ (193)



99 PR#Ø



Check your computer’s reference manual and type in the commands appropriate to your computer. Then type RUN.

With any luck, you will get an Italic capital A on the printer: A

If nothing prints, it’s time to double-check your computer manual and cable connections. Make sure the printer is ON LINE and the READY light is lit.

ASCII and BASIC basics
If you end up with a Roman A: A