Chapter 10

Introduction to Dot Graphics

Welcome to the world of Epson graphics. To get you off to a solid start, we use this chapter to discuss all the fundamentals of dot graphics, from the number of dots per page to the way to position one dot, before we show you several patterns that you can print by using one dot at a time.

Dots and Matrixes

Imagine the blank printout page as a huge canvas that is made up of a series of dot matrixes. You can use this page like an artist’s canvas to create your own graphic images. Where the painter uses brush and paint, you will use the computer and printer to express your artistic ideas.

Think of the page as a series of matrixes. For an FX-80 page and Pica characters, for example, you can calculate the number of main columns across a page by multiplying:

80 matrixes wide

X6 columns per matrix

=480 dots per row

Then you can calculate the numbers of rows down a page by multi- plying:

66 lines per page

X12 dots high per line

=792 dots per column