Figure 13-3.Ones and zeros become dots and blanks

Why all this fuss and stew about arrays? We want to show you that the FX can simulate a plotter. And once the correspondence between array cells and dot positions is firmly established, you can easily plot in any direction.

Let’s look at the way each cell is named. The cells are arranged in rows and columns, so each cell can be easily pinpointed by its row and column position.

COLUMNFigure 13-4.Labelled cell

The labelled cell of Figure 13-4sits at the intersection of row 2 and column 3, so you can label it by its address: cell (2,3). In BASIC, you give the entire array a name, then append the address to the name. Thus, if you name the array of Figure 13-4array A, the cell name is
