
FX Features

Epson’s MX series of printers attracted enough attention to become the most popular line of printers in the industry. Our FX printers follow in the same grand tradition. The FX printers’ power-packed assortment of features includes:

Upward compatibility with most MX III features

Several different print modes that can be combined to produce a variety of print styles. These include:

Roman and Italic print fonts

Six different print pitches

Two kinds of bold printing

Master Select feature for instant use of any one of 16 popular print combinations

Proportionally spaced characters for professional looking docu- ments

Easy-to-use Underline and Super/Subscript Modes

Detailed forms handling capability, including the setting of horizon- tal and vertical tabs, margins, form length, a skip-over-perforation feature, and variable line feeds

Up to 233 characters per line with the FX-100™ for spreadsheet users

User-definable character sets. With this powerful feature you can create your own alphabets and special symbols

High-resolution graphics capability with six densities to let you cre- ate your own charts, diagrams, figures, and illustrations

International character sets

Typewriter simulation mode with the FX-80™