See the Preface for a list of the conventions used in this manual, Appendix A for a table of the ASCII codes, and Appendixes B and C for tables of the control codes. Appendix F offers programming solutions to interfacing problems, while Appendix E lists the defaults and shows the DIP switch settings. See also the Quick Reference Card.

Here are the DIP switches that we mentioned in this chapter:
Switch 2-2Controls the beeper

Switch 2-4

Controls the number of vertical lines that the


printer spaces at the end of a print line

Here are the codes that we have covered in this chapter, listed in the order of their appearance:

Causes a beepPrepares the printer to accept other control codes (Escape code)Turns Italic Mode ONResets the printer to its defaults (Reset Code)Turns Italic Mode OFFDELetes the latest text character in the print buffer

CANcels all text in the print buffer