Chapter 5

Dress-Up Modes and Master Select

In the first three subsections of this chapter, we cover four more print modes: Underline; two Script Modes-Superscript and Sub- script; and Italic. Each of these modes allows you to add a particular finishing touch to your printouts. After we show how you can quickly select 16 combinations of pitch and weight by using the Master Select feature, we demonstrate combining the combinations.

Four Modes

These four modes give you capabilities that are unusual for dot- matrix printing: an underline of any character or blank space, true Super- and Subscript characters, and an Italic Mode that any computer system can select without software adjustments.

Underline Mode

In the old days, dot-matrix printers could not underline words. Even in the not-so-old days, printer users like you had to use all kinds of tricks to underline words. The technique usually involved using either the hyphen (-) or underscore (_), along with either a change of line spacing or the use of backspace. When it worked, the right words did get underlined, but those methods were tedious and time consum- ing.

Those days are now gone, thanks to the FX. It has a built-in Underline Mode that makes underlining very easy. You can toggle the control code for Underline, ESCape “-“, on and off just as you toggle the code for Expanded Mode. To turn Underline on, you use:

CHR$(27)"-"CHR$(1) or
