use the same technique to produce the plus-or-minus symbol:

10 LPRINT CHR$(27)"S0+"CHR$(8); 'Plus/minus20 LPRINT CHR$(27)"S1-"30 LPRINT CHR$(27)"@"


How about that, and it only took three lines. Next try this approximately equally short program:

10 LPRINT CHR$(126)CHR$(8); ' Approximately equal 20 LPRINT CHR$(27)"J"CHR$(11)CHR$(126)

30LPRINT CHR$(27)"@"

This program prints CHR$(126), a diacritical mark used in Spanish that is called a tilde. You backspace the print head by using CHR$(8), then force a partial line feed by using Escape ”J” CHR$(11). The FX prints the second tilde just below the first one to form the desired figure.


The backspace function works in all pitches, which opens up some interesting possibilities. To see what happens when you mix backspacing with different pitch modes, we’ve prepared a special program that shows off the backspace function in two passes: first in Pica and then in Expanded Pica. We cause all backspacing to be done in Compressed Mode to create a slight offset. Enter:


10 FOR J=0 TO 1

20 LPRINT CHR$(27)"W"CHR$(J); ' Expanded when J=1 30 LPRINT "BACKSPACES"CHR$(15); ' Compressed

40 FOR X=1 TO 17: LPRINT CHR$(8);: NEXT X

50 LPRINT CHR$(18)"BACKSPACES" ' Compressed off

60 NEXT J: LPRINT CHR$(27)"@" ' Reset

and RUN the program.