These changes fill in the diagonals as illustrated in Figure 12-9:

100 LPRINT CHR$(1)CHR$(3)CHR$(7)CHR$(15) CHR$(31)CHR$(63)CHR$(127);

120 LPRINT CHR$(127)CHR$(63)CHR$(31)CHR$(15) CHR$(7)CHR$(3)CHR$(1);

Figure 12-9.More distinct versionAnd one additional change fills in the entire text (Figure 12-10):110 FOR X=1 TO H: LPRINT CHR$(127);: NEXT X

Can you vary the program to produce a complete black/white reverse like the one in Figure 12-1l?


We did not introduce any commands in this chapter. Instead, we demonstrated two ways of programming dot graphics. For the first example we used DATA statements to store pin patterns and repetition factors. For the second example we stored the pin patterns as constants and used DATA statements only to store repetition factors.