Chapter 16

Combining User-Defined Characters

In this chapter we’ll explore the technique of combining user- defined characters to make large letters and symbols.

Large Letters: Double Wide

We’ll start by placing two characters next to each other to form a double-width letter. Enter this new program, being careful to enter the line numbers as written.


20LPRINT CHR$(27)" :"CHR$(0)CHR$(0)CHR$(0);25'Copies ROM to RAM

30LPRINT CHR$(27)"%"CHR$(1)CHR$(0); 'Activates RAM

60LPRINT CHR$(27)"&"CHR$(0)"AB";65'Defines characters A & B

70FOR Y=1 TO 2: LPRINT CHR$(139); 'Attribute byte

80FOR x=1 TO 11: READ N: LPRINT CHR$(N);: NEXT x
90NEXT Y180LPRINT CHR$(27)"@";: END

The ESCape sequences in line 20, 30, and 60 are the commands from the last chapter. This program prepares the printer to define the two characters A and B. Enter the DATA lines:

200D A T A 0,2,5,0,11,16,3,32,70,0,84

210 DATA 68,32,66,49,8,21,14,5,2,0,0

And how do they look side by side? Enter: