but before you print the user-defined E, make it more visible by adding:170 LPRINT CHR$(27)"!8";190 LPRINT CHR$(27)"!@"

Line 170 uses the Master Select code to print Double-Strike, Expanded, Emphasized Pica characters. Line 190 uses the Master Select to return to Pica Mode.

Here are the lines you’ve typed so far:

120 LPRINT CHR$(27)"%"CHR$(1)CHR$(0);

130 LPRINT CHR$(27)"&"CHR$(0)"EE";

140 LPRINT CHR$(139);

150 FOR X=1 TO 11: READ C: LPRINT CHR$(C);: NEXT X 170 LPRINT CHR$(27)"!8";180 LPRINT "EEEEE";

190 LPRINT CHR$(27)"!@"

200 LPRINT CHR$(27)"@": END

1170 DATA 62,65,8,65,8,65,28,65,34,0,0: 'My E

Let’s see what it looks like in Proportional Mode (without the last two columns printed). Add:

140 LPRINT CHR$(137);175 LPRINT CHR$(27)"p1";

See how the Es are packed closely together? Fine. Before proceeding, change back to monospacing by deleting line 175 and changing 140:

140 LPRINT CHR$(139);

While you are in the neighborhood, take a look at some of the other characters in RAM with:


Oops! Where is the rest of EPSON? All right, we confess-the only characters in the user-defined RAM are those you put there yourself. Characters that haven’t been defined print as blank spaces. So the