6.4 Messages
The linker delivers all its messages to the Standard Output (stdout).
Start-up message
The linker outputs only the following message when it starts up.
Linker 62 Ver x.xx
Copyright (C) SEIKO EPSON CORP. 199x
End message
The linker outputs the following messages to indicate which files has been created when it ends
Created absolute object file <FILENAME.ABS>
Created absolute list file <FILENAME.ALS>
Created map file <FILENAME.MAP>
Created symbol file <FILENAME.SYM>
Created cross reference file <FILENAME.XRF>
Created error log file <FILENAME.ERR>
Link 0 error(s) 0 warning(s)
Usage output
If no file name was specified or an option was not specified correctly, the linker ends after delivering
the following message concerning the usage:
Usage: lk62 [options] <object files.O> <ICE param file.PAR> <command file.CM>
Options: -d Disable all branch optimizations
-di Disable insertion of branch extension
-dr Disable removal of branch extension
-e Output error log file (.ERR)
-g Add source debug information
-l Output absolute list file (.ALS)
-m Output map file (.MAP)
-o <file name> Specify output file name
-s Output symbol file (.SYM)
-x Output cross reference file (.XRF)
-code <address> Specify CODE start address
-bss <address> Specify BSS start address
-rcode <file name>=<address> Specify CODE start address of the file
-rbss <file name>=<address> Specify BSS start address of the file
When error/warning occurs
If an error takes place, an error message will appear before the end message shows up.
Error: Cannot open file TEST.CM
Link 1 error(s) 0 warning(s)
In the case of an error, the linker ends without creating an output file.
If a warning is issued, a warning message will appear before the end message shows up.
Warning: No symbols found
Link 0 error(s) 1 warning(s)
In the case of a warning, the linker ends after creating an output file, but the result cannot be guaran-
For details on errors and warnings, refer to Section 6.12, "Error/Warning Messages".