Debugger db62 (3) Development Tools
Cascades the opened windows.
Tiles the opened windows.
This menu shows the currently opened window names.
Selecting one activates the window.
Displays the contents of help topics.
About Db62...
Displays an About dialog box for the debugger.

[Window] menu

[Help] menu

Trace Area...
Sets or clears program address ranges for tracing.
Trace Condition...
Sets a trace condition (Start, Middle, End).
Trace Search...
Searches trace information from the trace memory.
Trace File...
Saves the specified range of the trace information displayed in the [Trace]
window to a file.
Activates the [Command] window.
Program (Unassemble, Source Display, Mix Mode)
Opens or activates the [Source] window and displays the
program from the current PC address in the display mode
selected from the sub menu items.
Data Dump
Opens or activates the [Data] window and displays the data memory
contents from the memory start address.
Opens or activates the [Register] window and displays the current values
of the registers.
Opens or activates the [Trace] window and displays the trace data sampled
in the ICE trace memory.
Shows or hides the toolbar.
Status Bar
Shows or hides the status bar.
Starts or stops logging.
Starts or stops recording of commands executed.
Mode Setting...
Sets the on-the-fly display, break and execution counter modes.
Rom Type...
Specifies the program ROM type which is installed in the ICE ROM socket.
Self Diagnosis
Displays the results of the diagnostic test in the ICE.

[Trace] menu

[View] menu

[Option] menu