5.8 Summary of Compatibility with the Older Tool

The assembler provides the new features added to the old assembler asm62XX. However the compatibil-

ity with the old syntax is preserved by supporting old syntax as the synonym of the new syntax. As the

result, as62 can process the old syntax sources without any modification. To realize it, the assembler

accepts old syntax elements and interprets them to their equivalent counterparts in new syntax elements.

The converted results are delivers to the preprocessed file (.ms).

The priority of the operators follows the old tool's priory.

The old syntax elements are handled as follows:

Numeric notation

Old Meaning New
####B Binary number 0b####
####O Octal number 0x#### (the base is converted)
####Q Octal number 0x#### (the base is converted)
####H Hexadecimal number 0x####

Arithmetic operators

Old Meaning New
+Addition, positive +
-Subtraction, negative -
*Multiplication *
/Division /
MOD Residue %
SHL Shift left <<
SHR Shift right >>
HIGH High-order 8 bits ^h
LOW Low-order 8 bits ^l

Logical operators

Old Meaning New
AND Logical and &
OR Logical or |
XOR Logical exclusive or ^
NOT Logical negation ~

Relation operators

Old Meaning New
EQ Equal to ==
NE Not equal to !=
LT Less than <
LE Less than or equal to <=
GT Greater than >
GE Greater than or equal >=


Old Meaning New
CALLM Optimized call call (instruction)
JPM Optimized jump jp (instruction)
EQU Fixed constant symbol #define
SET Redefinable constant symbol .set
DW Data definition .codeword
ORG Address location definition .org
BANK Bank location definition .bank
PAGE Page location definition .page
SECTION Section alignment .align 16
END End definition (Ignore everything below END)
MACRO–ENDM Macro definition #macro–#endm
LOCAL Local symbol declaration none (will be removed)
$Location counter $