8.6 Error/Warning Messages

8.6.1 Errors

When an error occurs, the disassembler immediately terminates the processing after displaying an error
message. It will not output a source file.
The disassembler error messages are given below.
Error message Description
Cannot create <file kind> file <FILE NAME> The file cannot be created.
Cannot open <file kind> file <FILE NAME> The file cannot be opened.
Cannot read <file kind> file <FILE NAME> The file cannot be read.
Cannot write <file kind> file <FILE NAME> Data cannot be written to the file.
Illegal file name <FILE NAME> The specified input file name is incorrect.
Illegal HEX data format The input file is not an Intel-HEX format file.
Illegal offset address <offset address> The specified address is invalid.
Illegal option <option> An illegal option is specified.
No ICE parameter file specified ICE parameter file is not specified.
Out of memory Cannot secure memory space.

8.6.2 Warning

Even if a warning is issued, the disassembler keeps on processing, and completes the processing after
displaying a warning message, unless, in addition, any error is produced.
Warning message Description
Input file name extension .XXX conflict Two or more file names with the same extension have been
specified. The last one is used.