5.5.8 Symbols
The .set and #define pseudo-instructions allow definition of values as symbols.
Examples: .set ADDR1 0x0f0 ... ADDR1 is a symbol that represents absolute address 0x0f0.
#define CONST 0xf ... CONST is a symbol that represents data 0x0f.
ld a,CONST ... Will be expanded into "ld a, 0xf".
The defined symbols can be used for specifying the immediate data of instructions. They are expanded
into the defined value in the preprocess stage and the symbol information does not output to the object
file. Therefore, these symbols cannot be allowed as labels used for symbolic debugging.
The maximum number of characters of a symbol is limited to 259 the same as that of one line.
The characters that can be used are limited to the following:
A–Z a–z _ 0–9 ?
Note that a symbol cannot begin with a numeral. Uppercase and lowercase characters are discrimi-
5.5.9 Operators
An expression that consists of operators, numbers and/or defined symbols (including labels) can be used
for specifying a number or defining a Define name (only for number definition).
The preprocess in the assembler handles expressions in signed 16-bit data and expands them as hexadeci-
mal numbers.

Types of operators

Arithmetic operators Examples Old operators (for asm62XX)
+Addition, Plus sign +0xff, 1+2 +
-Subtraction, Minus sign -1+2, 0xff-0b111 -
*Multiplication 0xf*5 *
/Division 0x123/0x56 /
%Residue 0x123%0x56 MOD
>> Shifting to right 1>>2 SHR
<< Shifting to left 0x113<<3 SHL
^H Acquires upper 8 bits 0x1234^H HIGH
^L Acquires lower 8 bits 0x1234^L LOW
( ) Parenthesis 1+(1+2*5) not available
The arithmetic operator returns the result of arithmetic operation on the specified terms.
Logical operators Examples Old operators
&Bit AND 0b1101&0b111 AND
|Bit OR 0b123|0xff OR
^Bit XOR 12^35 XOR
~Bit inversion ~0x1234 NOT
The logical operator returns the result of logic operation on the specified terms.