9.9.8 Break

bp (break point set)
This command sets or clears breakpoints using a program's execution address or address ranges.
(1) >bp <break1> [<break2> [<break3> [<break4>]]](direct input mode)
(2) >bp(guidance mode)

PC break set status

1. set 2. clear 3. clear all ... ? <1 | 2 | 3>
.......... (guidance depends on the above selection, see examples)
><break1–4>: Break address or address area; hexadecimal or symbol (IEEE-695 format only)
Condition: 0 address last program memory address
Format (1)
>bp 100 200..300... Sets PC break points at address 0x100 and the area from 0x200 to 0x300.
* The direct input mode cannot clear the set break points.
Format (2)
PC break: None.
1. set 2. clear 3. clear all ... ? 1... "1. set" is selected.
Set new PC break ? : 100... Address 0x100 is set as a breakpoint.
Set new PC break ? : 200..300... Area 0x200–0x300 is set as a break area.
Set new PC break ? : ... Terminated by [Enter] key.
0: 0100
1: 0200..0300
1. set 2. clear 3. clear all ... ? 2... "2. clear" is selected.
Clear PC break : 150..250... Break area 0x150(0x200)–0x250 is cleared.
Clear PC break : ... Terminated by [Enter] key.
>bp(Clear all)
0 : 0100
1 : 0251..0300
1. set 2. clear 3. clear all ... ? 3... "3. clear all" is selected.
PC break: None.
1. set 2. clear 3. clear all ... ? ... Terminated by [Enter] key.
•All PC breaks are cleared by executing the bm command.
The addresses must be specified within the range of the program memory area available for each
microcomputer model.
An error results if the input one is not a hexadecimal number or a valid symbol.
Error : invalid value.
An error results if the limit is exceeded.
Error : Program address out of range.
The consecutive address area is set by entering as "<start address>..<end address>". An error results if
the start address is larger than the end address.
Error : end address < start address.
•When clearing PC break points, the specified addresses or areas that have not been set as PC
breakpoints are ignored. The break points within the specified area are cleared.