HEX Converter hx62 Development Tools
Converts an absolute object in IEEE-695 format output from the
linker into ROM-image data in Intel-HEX format or Motorola-S
format. This conversion is needed when making the ROM or when
creating mask data using the development tools provided with
each model.
file h.hex
Hex Converter
object file
file l.hex
format files
format files
or file.err
Error file
ROM or Mask data creation
parameter file
from Linker
Error Messages
Cannot create <file kind> file <FILE NAME> The file cannot be created.
Cannot open <file kind> file <FILE NAME> The file cannot be opened.
Cannot read <file kind> file <FILE NAME> The file cannot be read.
Cannot write <file kind> file <FILE NAME> Data cannot be written to the file.
Different processor types The ICE parameter file contains an illegal parameter setting.
Illegal file name <FILE NAME> The specified input file name is incorrect.
Illegal option <option> An illegal option is specified.
Illegal absolute object format The input file is not an object file in IEEE-695 format.
Out of memory Cannot secure memory space.
Warning Message
Input file name extension .XXX conflict Two or more file names with the same extension have been
specified. The last one is used.
Start-up Command Usage
Usage: hx62 [options] <file names>
Options: -b Do not fill room with 0xff
-e Output error log file (HX62.ERR)
-m Use Motorola-S format
-O <file name> Output file name (L/H.HEX, .L/HSA or no extension)
File name: Absolute object file (.ABS)
ICE parameter file (.PAR)