10.Finally, select the Connect button. Check that the box called Fast Printing Direct to Port is selected. Although this option is not necessary, it helps optimize printer driver speed and performance. Select OK to exit the Connect window. Select Close to exit the Printers window. See section C for information on printer driver settings and options.
Once the printer driver has been successfully installed, you will need to set the driver up with the appropriate print options. Refer to the following steps to change or verify your printer driver options:
1.If using Windows 95, go back to the Printers folder (see step 2 on page 10). Then, click on the FARGO FotoFUN! icon with the right mouse button and select Properties. The Properties window will appear. If using Windows 3.1x, go back to the Control Panel and the Printers group (see steps 1 and 2 on page 11).
2.In Windows 95, click on the Details tab of the Properties window and select the Setup button. In Windows 3.1x, select the Setup button.
NOTE Most applications allow you to change these same printer driver options from their “Print” and/or “Printer Setup” screens. This means that you don’t have to go back to the main printer setup window each time you want to change a setting or option in the printer driver. These applications will usually give you the same choices and options, but in a slightly altered format.
Using FotoFUN! for Windows 12