2 Function indicator 1 3
A.Last track erasing (take a few seconds. Not possible on a finalized
1 Load a CD-RW disc w h i c h h a s b e e n recorded on.
Label side
Switching erase modes
Each press of the ERASE button switches erase modes in the order shown below.
Erase Off ➔ A. Last track erasing C. All tracks erasing
Erase Off ➔ B. TOC erasing
C. All tracks erasing
For a disc loading, refer to page 15.
2 Press the ERASE button.
•The display panel successively displays "LAST", "TRACK" and "ERASE?" . Then the function indicator blinks in orange indicating that the recorder is in last track erase standby mode. The display panel displays the number of the track that can be erased and "TRACK" and "ERASE."
Do not allow more than 8 seconds to elapse after step 2 has been performed before proceeding with step 3.
3 Press the pause ( 

) button to start the last track erasing.
•The function indicator lights in orange and last track erasing starts.
•During last track erasing, the number of the erasing track and "TRACK" and "ERASE" blinks successively.
• The recorder stops when Last track erasing stops.
B. TOC erasing (Possible on a finalized
1 Load a CD-RW disc which has been finalized.
Label side
• the FINALIZE indicator lights.
• For a disc loading, refer to page 15.
2 Press the ERASE button.
• The display panel successively displays "TOC" and "ERASE?" . Then the function indicator blinks in orange indicating that the recorder is in TOC erase standby mode.
Do not allow more than 8 seconds to elapse after step 2 has been performed before proceeding with step 3.
•You can stop the erase process by pressing the Stop ( ) button for 10 seconds . However, if the erase operation is stopped, the message "CHECK", "DISC" appears to indicate that the disc has not been normally erased.
3 Press the pause ( 
) button to start the TOC erasing.
• The function indicator lights in orange and TOC Erasing starts.
• During TOC erasing, "ERS *:**" while the remaining time is displayed.
• The recorder stops when TOC erasing is completed.