Fujitsu A3210 manual Problem Possible Cause Possible Solutions Memory Problems, Modem Problems

Models: A3210

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Possible Cause

Possible Solutions




Memory Problems

Your System Properties screen does not show the correct amount of installed memory.

Your memory upgrade

Remove and re-install your memory upgrade module.

module is not properly

See “Memory Upgrade Module” on page 69.





You have a memory

Check for Power On Self Test (POST) messages.


See “Power On Self Test Messages” on page 91.



Modem Problems

Messages about modem operation.

Messages about modem operation are generated by which- ever modem applica- tion is in use.

See your application software documentation for additional infor- mation.

USB Device Problems

You have installed a USB device. Your LifeBook note- book does not recognize the device, or the device does not seem to work properly.

The device is not prop-

Remove and re-install the device. See “Device Ports” on page 72.

erly installed.




The device may have

Close the application and restart your notebook.

been installed while an


application was running,


so your notebook is not


aware of its installation.




Your device may not

See your software documentation and activate the correct driver.

have the correct soft-


ware driver active.




PC/ExpressCard Problems

A card inserted in the PC Card slot or ExpressCard slot does not work or is locking up the system.

The card is not properly installed.

Remove and re-install the card. See “PC Cards/ExpressCards™” on page 62.

84 - Troubleshooting

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Fujitsu A3210 manual Problem Possible Cause Possible Solutions Memory Problems, Modem Problems, USB Device Problems