Selectable number of digits is listed as below.
(1)[5] is blinking: 5 digit
(2)[8] is blinking: 8 digit
Press(Enter button), then
! | 2 5 | - | 2 |
| S | t | a | r t C o u n t |
= | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
By pressing (Left arrow button) or (Right arrow button), a digit position (blinking on LCD) can be specified.
By pressing (Next button) or (Previous button), the number at the digit can be changed.
After putting a initial value for the numbering counter, press (Enter button) to confirm the initial number. Then,
! 2 5 - 3 | E m | p t | y R e s e t |
= | O n / | O f | f |
Initial number can be increased up to the maximum number (5digit: 99,999 / 8digit: 16,777,215).