You can select a preset pattern for image enhancement. By selecting the one from the list, you can quickly set the details of the image enhancement processing. Available patterns are as follows:
Normal documents | This item is suitable for scanning the documents like the ones |
(default) | used in offices. |
Background/Foreground | This option makes image contours soft by disabling the Out- |
Enhancement | line Extraction. |
NCR forms with backgor- This option removes background of scanned images and | |
und removed | smoothes outline on the images. |
Magazines, Brochures, | This option is suitable for scanning documents which have |
etc. | texts and photos (e.g. magazines, brochures). |
Use Brightness Control | Performs simple binary processing on the images. When this |
| option is selected, you can manually adjust the threshold |
| (Brightness) with the slider control on the Configuration Win- |
| dow. |
Standard | Performs simple binary processing. You can select the brigth- |
| tness from minimum (0) to maximum (6). |
Advanced | Performs automatic binary processing. For OCR, select an |
| option from 0 to 4. For images select 5 or 6. |
This option specifies the sharpness of outline extraction. Available settings are as follows.
Low, Mid, High | Emphasizes contour of images. |
Smooth | Smoothes jaggy images. |
This option reverses right and left in images.
Reverse Image FormatThis option reverses black and white colors in images.Outline ExtractionThis option extracts contours of images.
Automatic SeparationWhen this option is selected, photos are automatically distinguished from lines (characters) at scanning and dither patterns are applied to the photos. This option is suitable for scanning documents which have both characters and photos.
The settings of this configuration window are applied to the selected document side (Both, Front, Back).
White Level Follow