To complete updating the OpenBoot PROM firmware in the target domain, be sure to power off/on the domain.

In case that Solaris OS is a single user mode, if you switch from the domain console to the XSCF Shell, Solaris OS might be started up to multi-user mode. When you operate the single user mode for Solaris OS, don't switch from the domain console to the XSCF Shell.

We recommend the domain to use the XSCF Unit as NTP server. In this case, needs the following attention.

XSCF must be connected to an external NTP server

When you connect one or more NTP servers in addition to XSCF, connect the same NTP server as XSCF is using

For details on NTP server, contact your technical support. For details on NTP settings, refer to the SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 servers XSCF User's Guide.

Notes for XCP 1050 or Later

On the SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 servers with XCP1050 or later, the dual XSCF Unit feature is working. Therefore, you can not downgrade SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 servers with XCP1050 or later to XCP1040 or XCP1041, which does not support dual XSCF Unit feature.

You cannot use the following user account names, as they are reserved for system use: root, bin, daemon, adm, operator, nobody, sshd, rpc, rpcuser, ldap, apache, ntp, admin, and default.

Notes for XSCF Web

Using the XSCF Web, when you import XCP or update the firmware, Session ID error may be displayed on the web browser. And in the Autologout setting, when you specify the timeout period as over 30 minutes, Internal Server Error may be displayed when you perform the firmware update.

When you use the XSCF Web, if a plug-in such as the search tool installed with the browser, remove the plug-in or disable the pop-up blocking.

SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Product Notes 5