XG Series User's Guide Chapter 5 Command Reference
Mode and Terminal Operation Commands
340 terminal window
Function Set the terminal screen size.
Available Model XG0224 / XG0448 / XG2600
Syntax terminal window [column <column>] [line <line>]
column <column>
Specify the number of digits of the terminal screen with a decimal value.
line <line>
Specify the number of lines of the terminal screen with a decimal value.
Use Mode Operation mode (user class/admin class)
Configuration mode (admin class)
Explanation Specify the screen size of the terminal.
For telnet or ssh connection, the screen size of the terminal reported from a telnet or ssh
client is used at connection or changing the screen size.
If the screen size is changed after reported, this setting value will be used.
Caution This command is an operation command; however, the contents specified in the admin
class can be saved as the configuration by executing the "save" command. This
command setting can be deleted using the "delete" command in the configuration mode.
The contents set in the user class are discarded at logout or execution of the "admin"
command, and they cannot be saved.
Specifying incorrect screen size may cause a display distortion when a command is input
or executed.
Default It is assumed that the screen size of the terminal is set to 80 columns x 24 lines. terminal charset
Function Set the Japanese Kanji character codes.
Available Model XG0224 / XG0448 / XG2600
Syntax terminal charset {EUC|SJIS}
Use the EUC Japanese Kanji character codes on the terminal.
Use the Shift-JIS Japanese Kanji character codes on the terminal.
Use Mode Operation mode (user class/admin class)
Configuration mode (admin class)
Explanation Specify the Japanese Kanji character codes to be used on the terminal.
Caution This command is an operation command; however, the contents specified in the admin
class can be saved as the configuration by executing the "save" command. This
command setting can be deleted using the "delete" command in the configuration mode.
The contents set in the user class are discarded at logout or execution of the "admin"
command, and they cannot be saved.
Default It is assumed that the EUC Japanese Kanji character codes are used on the terminal.
terminal window column 80 line 24
terminal charset EUC