XG Series User's Guide Chapter 5 Command Reference
RADIUS Control Commands
5.44 RADIUS Control Commands
This section explains commands related to RADIUS control.

5.44.1 RADIUS Control Commands

This section explains RADIUS control commands. radius recovery

Function Recover the RADIUS server.
Available Model XG0224 / XG0448 / XG2600
Syntax radius recovery group <group_id> auth <number>
Group ID
Specify the ID of AAA group to be applied by the command.
auth <number>
Authentication server definition number
Specify the definition number of the authentication server to be applied by the
Use Mode Operation mode (admin class)
Configuration mode (admin class)
Explanation The RADIUS server can be recovered manually from dead state to alive state.
Even the RADIUS server recovers from dead state, server remains dead when it cannot
communicate with the RADIUS server.
Execution Example
# radius recovery group 1 auth 2