XG Series User's Guide Chapter 5 Command Reference
Other Commands
539 traceroute
Function Displays network route.
Available Model XG0224 / XG0448 / XG2600
Syntax traceroute <ip_address> [ source <src_ip_address> ] [ size <data_size> ] [ timeout
<timeout> ] [ mpls] [ df ]
Syntax traceroute <host_name> [{v4 | v6}] [ source <src_ip_address> ] [ size <data_size> ] [
timeout <timeout> ] [ mpls ] [ df ]
Target IP address
Specifies the target IPv4 or IPv6 address.
Either <ip_address> or <host_name> must be specified.
Target host name
Specifies the target host name.
If specifying a host name, the host name must be registered in the host database or the
switch must have access to a DNS server.
Either <ip_address> or <host_name> must be specified.
{ v4 | v6 }
Specifies the IP version of the target host name.
When specifying the <host_name> parameter, this option specifies the version of the
IP address that the target <host_name> resolves to. Default is v4. If the version of the
resolved IP address does not match the specified version an error will occur.
source <src_ip_address>
Source IP address
Specifies the source IP address. Addresses not defined on the switch cannot be
If the version does not match with the target IP address an error will occur.
size <data_size>
Data size
Specifies the length (in bytes) of the packet to be sent, including the IP header, as a
base 10 value in the range of 46 to 9600. Default is 46 bytes.
If the target IP is an IPv6 address, or if the target host name’s IP version is specified as
IPv6, values in the range of 46 to 59 will automatically be read as 60.
timeout <timeout>
Time to wait for response
Specifies the time to wait for a response (in seconds) as a base 10 value in the range of
Default is 20 seconds.
Don’t fragment
Sets the Don’t Fragment bit on the packets to be sent so they won’t be fragmented en
Use Mode Operation mode (user class/admin class)
Configuration mode (admin class)