Speed—Display rate of travel in miles per hour, kilometers per hour, or nautical miles per hour.
Sunrise—The time at which the sun rises on this day. Sunset—The time at which the sun sets on this day. Time of Day—The time for the selected time zone.
To Course—The compass direction you must go in order to get back to the original course.
Trip Odometer—A running tally of distance travelled since last reset.
Trip Time–Moving—A running tally of movement time elapsed since last reset.
Trip Time–Stopped—A running tally of stopped time elapsed since last reset.
Trip Time–Total—A running tally of all time since last reset.
Turn—The angle difference (in degrees) between the bearing to your destination and your current line of travel. L means turn Left. R means turn Right.
Velocity Made Good—The speed at which you are closing on a destination along a desired course.