Form #43343530 July 08
Turn on line voltage | Does the blower |
and adjust thermostat | come on? |
to the highest setting. | No |
Does the red |
monitoring light come |
on? |
Does the LED on the | Is the black tap on the | Check the probes and | Replace air switch. |
ignition module flash | air switch connected | hoses to the air switch |
Yes once? | Yes to the upper probe? Yes | are they clear and | Yes |
| unobstructed? |
No |
Is 120V at the terminal |
| Check line voltage |
block in the blower? | No | circuit. Repair fault. |
| |
Yes |
Is there 120V |
| Check terminals for |
between ground and |
| continuity and repair. |
the L1 terminal on the | No |
module? |
Yes |
During start up, is |
there 120V between |
ground and the IND |
terminal on the |
module? |
Yes |
Disconnect the power |
| Remove any |
and check the blower |
| obstructions. Repeat |
wheel. Does it turn | No | start up. If motor will |
freely? |
| not run. replace |
| motor. |
Yes |
Replace motor. |
No |
| No |
Check NO terminal of |
| Switch hoses on the |
the air switch |
| pressure taps. |
connection. Replace |
red light. |
| Check terminals for |
| continuity at |
| transformer. If they |
| are good, replace |
| transformer. |
| No |
Is the LED on the |
| Is there 24V between |
ignition module |
| the inlet to the fuse | Yes |
No steady ON? | No | carrier and the | |
| ground? |
Yes |
Replace ignition |
| Check that red wire is |
module. |
| connected to TH from |
| air switch terminal C. | No |
| Repair connection. |
| Remove jumper, air |
| switch must be open |
| circuit first for blower |
| to operate. |
Clean out hoses and probes.
if fuse carrier is tight and the fuse has no continuity, replace the fuse.
No |
Is there 24V on the |
| Is there 24V between |
other side of the fuse | Yes | both terminals of the |
carrier? | TISS and ground? | |
| Yes |
Is 120V at the terminal |
| Is there 24V between |
block in the blower? |
| both terminals of the |
| Yes thermostat connection | |
| and ground? |
Yes |
| No |
Replace ignition |
| Does the system have |
modules. |
| a 24V individual |
| thermostat? |
Check TISS wire for a break if it is close to the terminal repair.
Otherwise replace TISS wire.
No |
The TISS has broken | Replace heat |
continuity. Check the | exchanger tube, |
first tube and reflectorYes | reflector and TISS. |
is there a hole? |
Repair or replace jumper check all wire terminals.
Yes |
Does the blower stay | Is the knob on the gas |
on? | valve turned to the |
| No ON position? | Yes |
Turn on the gas valve?
| Yes | Yes |
Does the LED on the |
| Is the orange wire |
| Are air switch | Repair or replace |
ignition module flash |
| from PSW connected |
| terminals jumpered? | thermostat. Check |
once? | No | to the NO terminal of | Yes |
| external wiring. |
| the air switch? |
Yes |
| No |
| No |
Move black light wire |
| Move orange wire to |
| Air switch is stuck in |
to NO terminal of the |
| NO terminal. Restart |
| the closed position. |
air switch. Restart the |
| troubleshooting. |
| Replace air switch. |
troubleshooting. |
Yes |
Does the low fire | Is the LED on the |
| After 15 seconds |
| Are the blue wires |
| Are the black wires | Replace amber light. |
amber light come on? | ignition module |
| post purge is there |
| secure in the |
| to the amber light | Restart |
No | steady ON? | No | 24V between V1 and | Yes | terminals and firmly | Yes | securely on the gas | Yes troubleshooting. |
| V2 ignition module |
| on the ignition |
| valve terminals? |
| terminals? |
| module terminals? |
| Yes |
| No |
| No |
| No |
| Replace ignition |
| Replace ignition |
| Repair connection. |
| Repair connection. |
| module. |
| module. |
| Restart |
| Restart |
| troubleshooting. |
| troubleshooting. |
Yes |
Troubleshooting |
continued on the next |
page. |